Planning for Object Desktop 2009 has begun and we want your help.
Got an idea for any of the products that are part of Object Desktop?
This is the thread for you!
First off I want to say thank you for all of these suggestions. I have been reading through them, but it has been a busy week here at Stardock so I have not been able to respond.
Bootskin for Vista? I think we can do that one for sure.
Keep the suggestions coming!
Another thing we plan on doing.
Right click will get a freshening for 2009.
If you think we hold sway over the White House....
then you are finally starting to get the picture.
JK - Vote, vote, vote.
You can do this with IconDeveloper if you have ODNT Ultimate.
This is a general goal to either move applications forward when possible (and support 64-bit, that is a focus for us in 2009). However some applications like IconX are just too difficult to pull off in Vista.
WindowFX however may be a possibility we will look at for 2009.
Mike (milksama)and myself are looking at a way to do this through DX but is there a way to make the frame builder in SKS6 have a stand alone option and maybe natively support png and gif as well.
If you have time take a look here and see if it is possible.If not I would be happy to help work with it as an app to be added to ODNT Ultimate!
Thank you
That would be great!
And windows also allows for that. At least XP does.
I would like to see a setting in DesktopX to make all sounds toggle, and also a setting to use/not use labels. Or a way to make the labels invisible. I tried using magic pink for labels, this works in DX, but if you export as a widget or gadget, it reverts and you see the labels.
How about making a unified theme resource directory structure?
Some components use the same resources, and I find it annoying to have to browse around everywhere to find some particular icon, or a backdrop of some kind.
So, what I suggest is something like this;
[%userdir%]\Stardock\[resource category]\<resource type>\[themename]
I think that explains what I'm trying to suggest. It'll make it alot easier to choose bits and pieces for a customized UI. The examples are just one way to solve it, and should not be seen as THE definite solution to my suggestion, it probably requires a fair bit of consideration how a final layout of the directory structure should be.
I have one question When will this be released? Or mabye a beta version? I don't have a problem testing it.
I am running Windows 7 and don't have any problems but would like to see some updates.
Tomorrow is the release date.