Information Technology observations, discussions and similar tomfoolery.
It was enough to make me switch...
Published on October 6, 2010 By Zargon In Personal Computing

Today I stopped using Outlook.  I have been using the program since since 1997 (before that I used mainframe email, my how times have changed) and loved the productivity gains over "Big Blue".  I could now "drag and drop" attachments into my email, and archive contacts easily.  It was enough to make me switch.

Then came PDA's where I could actually SYNC my data and take it with me!  Wow.  I was in heaven.

However, recently, I purchased a new phone.  An Android.  With the internet included.  My contacts are automatically synchronized?  My email is downloaded to the device automatically?  Talk about perfection! (Yes, I realize for now.)

This all of course is assuming you have your email and data in... GMail.  Well of course you can synchronize your mail without GMail, but here are the things that made me switch.

1) Contacts: They just work.  They are synchronized between GMail and my phone without doing anything.  With Outlook there still isn't an easy way to synchronize my contacts into GMail.

2) Consolidation of accounts: I can consolidate my accounts into GMail and read them all at one location.  Replies are handled well, using the account the email was sent to and labels help identify which account the email came from.  Yes, I realize I could do this with Outlook, but #2 leads to #3, and makes it powerful.  Super powerful.

3) Search: I have every email archived from the past year into GMail (using 11% of the storage) and I can do FAST searches for anything.  This beats Outlooks "mail is still indexing" when trying to do searches hands down.  I can also do these searches across ALL my mail (so I don't have to remember which account I used to book that flight) instead of having to look through "folders" and PST files.

4) Mark as Read: No longer do I have emails on my device that I already read in Outlook.  When I read the email in Google and archive it, it disappears from my device.  And vica versa, which is really the point.  No work wasted no matter where I "process" my email.

5) Filters: I can now use Google filters to have email skip my InBox and have labels applied.  I can view the email later, and not worry about looking at it on my mobile device.

6) Out of Office: Now global.  I didn't have Exchange so I had to leave Outlook up to have Out of Office emails sent.  Now Google handles it for me.

These things may not seem like a lot, but neither did being able to drag and drop attachments and handle contacts back in 1997.

It was enough to make me switch... food for thought that critical mass for change often comes in incremental doses, not blockbuster releases.

Well done Google, well done indeed.  By capitalizing on your strength (search) and working backwards into a solution you have made life easier.  Neither Apple or Microsoft can keep up with these productivity gains in the email space.  However, I cannot wait to seem them try!  Bring on the NBT I say, I need to work faster.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 11, 2010

Microsoft is already getting ballzy with its new product.

on Oct 11, 2010

Zargon, keep an eye here:

Other google app users:

on Oct 29, 2010



What program are you using to sync your Google contacts?  Are you paying for Google Apps Sync?




on Feb 03, 2011

Oh, forgot to mention the awesome SPAM/Junk Mail filters that Google has.  Much better than the Outlook client.

on Feb 03, 2011

October 29, 2010 3:56:03 PM

February 3, 2011 1:28:27 PM

Oh, forgot to mention

on Feb 03, 2011

Oh, forgot to mention the awesome SPAM/Junk Mail filters that Google has.  Much better than the Outlook client.

Google is good.  But in the past month or so, I have noticed they are letting some slip by.  Have you seen that?  Not much.  I will get a half dozen a day and one will be in my inbox.  But before that, it was very rare I would see any in the inbox.

on Feb 03, 2011

Have you seen that?
  Yes they have. Have you used the priority inbox, it works pretty well!!


     Yes an old thread!! 

on Feb 03, 2011
T-Bird has been letting a few in lately, too.  I guess spammers have found a work-around...
on Feb 03, 2011

Google calender may not be that good after all.

on Feb 04, 2011

T-Bird has been letting a few in lately, too.  I guess spammers have found a work-around...

Probably.  But like I said, not many of them have, so I hope they keep that secret.

on Feb 28, 2011

If you were one of these people I bet you still wished you used Outlook

Google accidentally wipes out thousand of Gmail accounts

on Mar 01, 2011

A bit OT but I smell Stardock peeps here.  Have you guys considered and iphone/android app to alert Sins players when games/players are online?  Would be awesome.

on Mar 01, 2011

If you were one of these people I bet you still wished you used Outlook

Google accidentally wipes out thousand of Gmail accounts

I do use both, and yes, I was one of the ones.  Fortunately Google says it is restoring them from TAPE!  gawker did a quick calculation and said that Google would need 200,000 tapes just to back up its mail once!  Staggering!  I wonder how they do that?

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