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TiVO in your pocket - 24x7 - The Next Big Thing (NBT)
Two independent articles (one on television through your phone, the other
regarding Windows Media Center Devices) sparked my imagination yesterday.
Imagine this: You have a device in your pocket that is connected to the
internet 24x7. OK, you say, my phone can do that now. OK, now stick
a 30GIG hard drive on that device (like a Windows Media Center Device).
The article I read was touting that you can now obtain 1-2 frames per second
of video on your phone. Pretty useless I think to myself. Then I
stopped to think, but what if you could record that video and then play it back
FASTER (at say 30 frames per second). That would be pretty cool. You
would not have the benefit of a live show, but at least you would be watching
something with better video quality than a thumb movie book (remember books you
thumb through to watch a simple cartoon?)
If the computer industry takes a Smartphone and crams it together with a
Windows Meda center device, add TiVO and there you have it. Television in
your pocket. Now we just need someone to get working on this brave new
Thanks for listening, and goodnight.