Information Technology observations, discussions and similar tomfoolery.
Zargon's Articles In Object Desktop
November 4, 2008 by Zargon
Please place all questions and issues relating to Theme Manager 3.0 here for speedy resolution. Known Issues: 32-bit: None 64-bit: None  
August 18, 2008 by Zargon
Planning for Object Desktop 2009 has begun and we want your help. Got an idea for any of the products that are part of Object Desktop? Looking for a feature? Looking for a new product? Want something changed? This is the thread for you!  
April 9, 2008 by Zargon
Object Desktop 2008 launches today, please use this thread to discuss any support questions or issues with Object Desktop 2008. Release Notes There are no known issues on x86 versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista. There are some known issues with x64 installations of WindowBlinds and IconPackager, again 32-bit customers are not effected. Users of x64 versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista may experience issues with IconPackager 3.99.  Please upgrade to IconPackager 4.00 onc...
October 4, 2009 by Zargon
At approximately 7am EST (NOON GMT) the Stardock server infrastructure will be undergoing maintenance.  This will impact all Stardock sites including Demigod games.  The servers should be offline for a short period of time (less than one hour) during the maintenance period. Kirk Windisch Director - Software Development Stardock Corporation
November 18, 2008 by Zargon
When Object Desktop 2009 is released, this is where the known issues will be posted.  Please post your findings here as well.  Thank you! Notes and Known Issues: (all issues are being worked on at this time) Theme Manager 3.0 (Published at 11am) Aero Midnight theme included as a .suite file for Object Desktop customers. My Desktop / Save My Desktop: Dreams, skins and cursors sometimes do apply when saved as part of a suite.  Please apply through the Appl...